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We help unlock the value of data in organizations using AI technologies through mergers and acquisitions (M&A), while streamlining human-machine collaboration as part of their digital transformation plans.
“A lot of businesses find AI intimidating.
Our mission is to help them overcome barriers for adopting or implementing AI .”
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We help unlock the value of data in organizations using AI technologies through mergers and acquisitions (M&A), while streamlining human-machine collaboration as part of their digital transformation plans.
“A lot of businesses find AI intimidating.
Our mission is to help them overcome barriers for adopting or implementing AI .”
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About Us

We build, invest and grow businesses that can make a positive impact to economies, industries and societies.

AIV50 is a special purpose company (SPC) that is part of a venture building project by MyFinB and VSC Portfolio investments, to manage a portfolio of 50 AI assets for M&A and capital market listing purposes.



Natural language expert systems offered on cloud and as SaaS model with bespoke options.


Capacity building programmes, global AI events, research publications and certification


Venture building / M&A arm to spin-off assets into listable project companies

What We Do

We identify businesses with strong growth potential and transform their core business with an AI-powered business model – and reward their shareholders in the process through listing opportunities.

Acquire Revenue

We identify post-revenue companies with digital transformational needs and merge their business with ours

Infuse AI

We inject resources into the merged entities and help them grow digitally based on their core business

Grow & List

We provide AI ownership to partners with route to IPO / public listings in equity markets

“Our philosophy is that businesses need to be rewarded for embracing AI technologies – whether it’s in the form of increased shareholder value, higher productivity levels or risk prevention.”

“We believe in bringing our world class proprietary technology closer to everyone, democratizing and making AI accessible to all. Now, everybody can own AI.”

Award-winning AI

SINCE 2016

Media Feature

Event Presentation

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