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A Company Applies Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Simplify Expense Auditing

"Planned to launch in the third quarter of 2021, Verify can evaluate 100% of a company’s expense reports and identifies anomalies, allowing company auditors to focus only on potential problems, increasing efficiency and allowing them to take steps to correct out-of-policy behaviors." The pandemic has brought about significant changes in employee spend and expense behavior.…

India sees surge in AI-enabled automated customer service agents

"Automated customer service agents became the top Artificial Intelligence (AI) use case for the Indian organisations in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic kept millions at home and face-to-face interactions diminished across industries, according to a new report." Automated customer service agents became the top Artificial Intelligence (AI) use case for the Indian organisations in 2020…

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Intel’s AI tool screens patients for vision loss

"In a country such as India that has a low doctor-patient ratio, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enable greater access to expert care from anywhere, with telehealth and robotics applied across inpatient and outpatient environments...Intel has been focusing its efforts towards accelerating AI innovation to deliver transformative healthcare solutions and democratise healthcare access and delivery in…

Facial Recognition Tech Banned for Cops

“THE LOS ANGELES Police Department (LAPD) banned the use of commercial facial recognition apps in November after BuzzFeedNews reported that more than 25 LAPD employees had performed nearly 475 searches using controversial technology developed by the company Clearview Al.” Such incident, another growing public concern relating to police surveillance using facial recognition. “THE LOS ANGELES…

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